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A member since Sun Feb 05 2012 01:07:07 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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[:1er mai]tankey
[:2 0 2 3]tankey
[:49 3]tankey
[:6 6 6]tankey
[:a 4 pattes]tankey
[:abus de pouvoir]tankey
[:agente secrete]tankey
[:allahou akbar]tankey
[:allez au bar]tankey
[:amour rapide]tankey
[:ancien amour]tankey
[:a quatre pattes]tankey
[:au nom de la bite]tankey
[:au repos]tankey
[:authentification deux facteurs]tankey
[:avis de recherche]tankey
[:baillon jaune baillon vert]tankey
[:belle au bois]tankey
[:belle brochette]tankey
[:bien belle histoire]tankey
[:biere blonde]tankey
[:bisounours vert]tankey
[:bonne poire]tankey
[:bouree en conduisant]tankey
[:breakfast club]tankey
[:bug hunter]tankey
[:burn out]tankey
[:caca agile]tankey
[:cafe gourmand]tankey
[:cafe marin]tankey
[:cafe ou the]tankey
[:came velo]tankey
[:Carole Delga]tankey
[:carton rouge]tankey
[:cd uflot]tankey
[:cerf volant]tankey
[:c est quoi ce truc]tankey
[:chuppa chups]tankey
[:clin d oeil]tankey
[:club des thons]tankey
[:cochon comme Macron]tankey
[:coincoin church]tankey
[:comite de respect des principes]tankey
[:comme papa dans maman]tankey
[:confinement 2021]tankey
[:conquete de la lune]tankey
[:cote punk]tankey
[:couilles sur la table]tankey
[:croisons les doigts]tankey
[:devoir de vacances]tankey
[:dimanche matin]tankey
[:ding dong]tankey
[:dis nous tout]tankey
[:dissonance cognitive]tankey
[:doigts de pied en eventail]tankey
[:dont give a fuck]tankey
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